feeling good, came home before leaving tomorrow
is on voice-only because his skin isn’t great and he’s put on weight so doesn’t want to show his face close up - turned on the live because he feels like he’ll probably be all over the place tomorrow so wanted to say his goodbyes in advance
kept saying he would go and come back safely so not to worry about him
said mill was really excited to shave his head and got super into it lol - junji was also excited initially but ended up stopping because he found it too heartbreaking
^ also asked yoojung if he wanted to have a go but he said no
‘even if i said not to come tomorrow, i know you guys will. but im just letting you know in advance that i’m probably not going to be able to happily greet you tomorrow. i likely won’t be totally with it and there will be a lot of others there that are also enlisting so if i come across as cold or don’t really react to things, i hope you guys won’t feel hurt by it. okay? i can’t say ‘don’t come!!’ because even if i did, i know you’ll come anyway. but i could be different to the rie that you’re used to. so i’m telling you in advance in the hopes that you won’t feel hurt or upset by that’
doesn’t think he’ll cry tomorrow but he’s worried about his grandma crying
^ thinks if he’d have gone when he was twenty his family would have been the ones consoling him but now he’s coming to thirty he’s the one that will be consoling them
said he’d upload a picture later after people kept asking for one (t.n included it at the bottom of these notes)
said he’ll try to contact us as much as he can while he’s gone - using fromm would be an issue but he should be able to use instagram
was talking with his dad and his dad had asked him how much soldiers make nowadays. when he told him he was like ‘wowww back in my day seargants got like 79,000KRW, like 50,000KRW, but now they get 1,500,000KRW??? that’s crazy, they house you, feed you, clothe you AND give you money? that’s the best’
^ after recounting this he was like ‘but how could it be the best, it’s still the army’ lol
not worried about going overall but IS stressing a bit about his neck because he still hasn’t recovered after hurting it the other day
said he’ll make a lot of celebrity friends :D
^ already has a celebrity friend that is still in the military band so reached out to him to get some info/ask questions about things
thought it would be harder on him mentally to go in with no preparation whatsoever so looked up videos on what to expect at each stage and feels much better for it/like he’ll be able to hold out